24-27 settembre – Università di Roma “Sapienza” – Roma, Italy
The Italian Federation of Life Sciences (FISV) is pleased to have its National Congress, after a break of 3 years, at La Sapienza, University of Rome. The choice of a such prestigious and easily accessible venue has contributed to attract a great number of attendees, especially you scientists. We are glad of this success and hope that the trend will continue for the years to come.
FISV is constituted by fourteen Scientific Societies dealing with different areas of biological and biomedical research, from environment to plant physiology, from molecular and cellular biology to pathology. The Congress, by tradition, deals with internationally emerging issues, offering original contributions from some of the best Italian and International laboratories. Specific topics have been chosen among the emerging subjects at the International level. During the four days of the meeting there will be 4 keynote lectures, 3 plenary symposia and 4 parallel symposia organized by the Societies belonging to the Federation. Minisimposia will cover almost the entire field of biology and will highlight some of the highest quality contributions chosen from the submitted abstracts.
Finally, two evening events on hot topics with a potential social impact have been organizes where the press ha been specially invited.
We thanks the Societies of the Federation, the Organizing Committee and the Organizing Secretariat which have greatly contributed to success of this event. We also thank all the attendees who have enthusiastically responded.
With best wishes,
Il Presidente della FISV
Prof. Felice Cervone