Roma 20-23 settembre 2016
The XIV Congress of the Italian Federation of Life Sciences (FISV) will take place from 20th to 23rd September 2016 at Sapienza, University of Rome.
The positive experience of the past 2012 Congress with almost 800 participants encourages us to believe that also the 2016 Congress will have a great success and attract many participants, especially young scientists.
Fifteen Scientific Societies AAI, ABCD, AGI, SIB, SIBBM, SIBE, SIBV, SIC, SICA, SIF, SIGA, SIMA, SIMGBM, SIP, SIPaV and more than 10,000 researchers are active members of the FISV. All these Societies are contributing to organize an exciting Congress in Rome, which especially highlights the topics of common interest dealing with forefront and stimulating aspects of biology.
Internationally emerging issues and contributions from some of the best Italian and foreign laboratories will be presented.
The meeting will also offer a forum to young Italian and foreign scientists engaged in research at the highest level. Specific topics will be chosen among the emerging subjects in life sciences.
Five plenary lectures, 5 plenary symposia and 6 parallel symposia will organized together two poster sessions of 2,5 hours. Poster contributions will be chosen for oral presentations in both parallel Symposia and 24 additional Short Talks.
Finally, an evening event will be organized as a round table on inter-disciplinary aspects of Biology and Physics.
We are sure that you will enjoy very much this exciting Congress and anxiously look forward to meeting you in Rome.
With best wishes,
Il Presidente della FISV
Prof. Felice Cervone